Based on the beloved story by Charles Dickens, this shorter, poetic version is a magical experience. The nearly forty animated illustrations and rich narration bring the tale to life.
Tap the red ribbon to jump to any part of the book, or to turn off the narration or subtle soundtrack.
An example, take from page one:
On a cold winters day
in a far away land
was a greedy and grumpy
and sour old man.
Scrooge was his name,
for his heart was too small.
And gold was the one thing
he loved most of all.
His office was bleary
and dreary and cold.
He kept only one candle
and one lump of coal.
He paid only one workman
to do every job,
a kind and warm hearted
young fellow named Bob.
We sincerely hope you enjoy this Starlight Storybook.
Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!